We are actively conducting business in Delaware and Wyoming. We take care of 100% of the formalities.

Company registration in the United States | Delaware | Wyoming.

Are you prepared to establish an LLC online? Commence your business venture today.

Tax optimization is legal.

Tax avoidance, which is tax optimization

Instability in legislation, excessive bureaucratic obligations, labor costs, and high taxes are some of the primary obstacles to conducting business in many European. How can we reduce tax payments, which often represent a substantial expense for businesses? Corporate expenses are necessary expenditures that contribute to generating income from economic activities. The higher a company’s costs, the lower its income tax burden. Additionally, the cost of generating income usually allows for VAT deductions. Therefore, it is advantageous to maximize the generation of such expenses!

We will advise you on what to do to avoid paying income tax.

Open an LLC - don't pay taxes!

Here are some advantages of an LLC in Delaware and Wyoming:

  1. Prestige: Delaware is considered one of the most prestigious places to establish an LLC. Many large corporations choose Delaware due to favorable legal provisions and a well-developed court system.
  2. Flexibility: Delaware offers a wide range of flexible provisions regarding management and the structure of an LLC. The ability to customize the operating agreement to individual needs is a significant advantage.
  3. Privacy Protection: Delaware provides greater privacy protection for LLC owners. There is no requirement to disclose information about the owners of the company in registration documents.
  1. Low Costs: Wyoming offers lower registration and maintenance costs for an LLC compared to Delaware. Registration fees and annual fees are significantly lower, which is beneficial for small businesses and entrepreneurs.
  2. Asset Protection: Wyoming provides strong asset protection for LLC owners. There is limited liability for the debts and obligations of the company, which helps protect the personal assets of the owners.
  3. Privacy: Wyoming offers greater privacy for LLC owners. There is no requirement to disclose information about the owners of the company in registration documents.
The final choice between Delaware and Wyoming depends on the individual needs and goals of your company. It is worth consulting with a lawyer or business specialist to make the best choice based on your specific circumstances.

Open an LLC – Pay No Taxes

We offer comprehensive service from A to Z. We guarantee 100% confidentiality. We do not inform the Tax Offices in your country about the registration of the company.

Confidentiality in Delaware and Wyoming

Companies registered in the state of Delaware and Wyoming enjoy a unique and unparalleled confidentiality in any other state. Reaching the data of the shareholders of the company registered there is impossible. You won’t get such confidentiality and data security anywhere else.

Start your business with confidence

Delaware and Wyoming are not on the list of countries and territories with harmful tax competition. By registering an LLC in the US, in any state of your choice, you can enjoy true economic freedom, the freedom for which the United States is famous.

Predictable state law, business-friendly

Benefits associated with using an LLC company from Delaware or Wyoming in the USA

  • If the main goal is tax optimization for business activities, then the state of Delaware guarantees a high level of confidentiality. It protects the privacy of shareholders, partners, managers, and entrepreneurs by not disclosing their information to the public.
  • There is no exchange of financial information with European countries.
  • The state of Delaware does not impose any taxes on companies that do not conduct business within its territory. Non-resident companies only pay an annual state fee.
  • There is no obligation for shareholders and managers to have social security (pension, disability, health) insurance.
  • You do not have to file tax returns required for businesses in the USA, and there are no reporting obligations.
  • There is no audit requirement, and there is no obligation to publish financial statements.
  • There are no requirements regarding share capital (neither paid nor declared).
  • There is no obligation to keep accounting records. Accounting is entirely voluntary.
  • Very low operating costs for the company. The annual fee in the state of Delaware is $300.
  • LLC members can be individuals or companies from any country.
Legal form, taxation, benefits

An American LLC (Limited Liability Company) registered in the State of Delaware

Company typeLLC – Limited Liability Company
Name endingsLLC
LegislationDelaware Corporation Law, Delaware Limited Liability Company Act
Share capitalNo requirement
Company structureMinimum number of owners 1 (can be a natural or legal person)
ConfidentialityThe Delaware Registry of Companies is not available to individuals or government agencies.
OpodatkowanieZero if the company does not operate in the US.
Reporting and auditingNo requirement to keep accounts, submit annual financial statements, or conduct an audit is necessary, as long as the company does not operate in the US